企業がコーヒー市場を支配し、コーヒー農家に支払う代価を低く維持することで、今のコーヒーの価格は成り立っており、 それにより企業も莫大な利益を得ています。
Starbucks is adding a new ingredient to take “bean to cup” transparency to the next level: traceability technology.
As a continuation of its ethical sourcing commitment, Starbucks will launch a pilot program with select coffee farmers in Costa Rica, Colombia and Rwanda to develop next-level data technology to log and share real-time information along the journey of coffee beans with the aim of driving positive impact to smallholder farmers within its supply chain.
“Over the next two years, we will look to demonstrate how technology and innovative data platforms can give coffee farmers even more financial empowerment,” said Kevin Johnson, chief executive officer at Starbucks, who will discuss the announcement on stage at the 2018 Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Seattle today. “We’ll leverage an open-source approach to share what we learn with the rest of the world.”
引用元:Starbucks Newsroom Starbucks to pilot ‘bean to cup’ traceability with new technology (2018年3月21日)
スターバックスは新たに「Bean to Cup」の追跡プログラムを開始しました。
これは コーヒー豆のトレーサビリティ(追跡可能性)の向上を図るための追跡プログラムで、ブロックチェーン技術を用いています 。
Today’s announcement represents the technology-enriched next step of work Starbucks has been doing for years to help sustainable coffee farmers establish individual identities, to give customers more transparency and to promote a higher level of accountability, Karuletwa said.
“A coffee farmer once told me, ‘These things you do for our coffee are not just about the preservation of a product, they are a preservation of us,’” Karuletwa said.
“To me, traceability of a global product such as coffee – one that has so much human depth and magnitude – is almost like taking an unedited photograph of ourselves. It’s an image that includes all that ails us, but more importantly, all that sustains us,” he said.
引用元:Starbucks Newsroom Starbucks to pilot ‘bean to cup’ traceability with new technology (2018年3月21日)
このプロジェクトにより コーヒー農家の価値は今よりも高まり、同時にルワンダなどの先進国の国力強化にも繋がる でしょう。
この発表以来、計画の進展は見られませんが、 スターバックスの会長ハワード・シェルツ氏が「私はブロックチェーン技術は消費者向けのアプリケーションで暗号資産の重要なレベルを提供する新時代に向かっていると思います。」と語っている 以上、実現されるのはほぼ間違いないでしょう。
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